
Symphony Tour to Argentina

We are thrilled to announce that Symphony will tour Argentina in June 2016! With a major concert in Buenos Aires, performances in Rosario and Santa Fe, plus amazing sights and cultural experiences, it promises to be an incredible adventure for students. This marks GTCYS’ first time to Argentina and our first tour to South America in 20 years. In considering possible destinations, we selected Argentina because of its enthusiastic concert audiences, cultural and historical opportunities, and its unique setting. Museums, tango lessons, ecological experiences, a cattle ranch excursion, and historical sights are just a few of the many highlights.

The experiential learning aspects of touring will empower students with musical, social, and cultural opportunities that will shape their lives for years to come. We are thrilled that Symphony students will have the opportunity to experience Argentina as an orchestra next summer – and by providing need-based scholarships, we will do our best to ensure that every interested student can participate regardless of their financial circumstances. Stay tuned for more details!

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