
GTCYS Staff Update: Orchestra Librarian Transition

Paul is standing in Rice Park, smiling at the camera.

It is bittersweet to announce that after six years, GTCYS’ Orchestra Librarian Paul Schimming (pictured above) is leaving to take the Ensemble Librarian role with the University of Minnesota School of Music. This is a rare, incredible professional opportunity in which he can continue using his music expertise and talents, while growing in new ways in an academic setting – something he has long aspired to.  

Paul joined GTCYS in August of 2017 and quickly revolutionized our music library, bringing it into the digital world and improving systems. He has been an outstanding resource for conductors and consistent advocate for diverse composers. His accomplishments are numerous; a few highlights include launching commissioning projects, helping us successfully navigate virtual rehearsals and auditions during the pandemic, spearheading Festival livestreams behind the scenes, and reimagining our sectionals and audition process with his broad musical network. We are so thankful for Paul’s outstanding service to GTCYS students, families, and staff, and we wish him all the best! 

Ben and Paul stand in the GTCYS library space.

We are excited to announce that Symphony’s rehearsal assistant Ben Van Wienen (pictured left, with Paul on the right) has been promoted to the Orchestra Librarian & Artistic Coordinator role! Ben completed a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from Syracuse University (NY) this spring. He also holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Ethnomusicology from St. Olaf College, where he worked as a performance librarian and played trumpet in the St. Olaf Band. Growing up in the Elgin Youth Symphony (IL) instilled a lifelong passion for the importance of youth orchestras. Ben’s skills, experience, and enthusiasm for GTCYS will help provide a seamless transition when he joins our team later this month. Ben is sure to make a great impact on our shared musical community in this full-time capacity! 

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