COVID-19 Update
On behalf of our Board of Directors, conductors, and staff, I hope this finds each of you safe and healthy. The world around us has clearly changed in the last few weeks and we all find ourselves in uncharted waters. We acknowledge the upheaval to everyone’s lives and our hearts go out to those who are struggling.
Here at GTCYS, we are working hard to address the short term needs and impact that COVID-19 is having on our educational programs and the community. Last weekend, we announced to current GTCYS families that rehearsals are suspended through at least March 26. We informed Symphony students that our Italy Tour will be postponed to June 2021. Harmony is also on hold for the time being.
As we continue to monitor the situation, we will be prepared to make additional programming adjustments to ensure the well-being of our students and the community.
Meanwhile, our conductors continue to be wonderful role models with our students as they stay connected through virtual means. They are sharing practice tips, audition advice, and words of wisdom for stressful times.
Our employees are safe and working remotely. Email is the best way to reach us (individual staff email addresses can be found on our website; otherwise use Our team will do their best to answer questions and continue providing high-level service to our patrons. We simply ask for grace and understanding during this time, as responses might take longer.
We remain focused on the future and ensuring that GTCYS continues to be a source of opportunity for all young musicians. As of now, our summer programs and 2020-21 auditions will continue as planned. Next season’s plans are well underway with exciting concerts, projects, and now Symphony’s Italy 2021 Tour.
In the coming days, we will share additional music resources and uplifting links on our social media channels. Our hope is to continue using music to create community, even in this time of physical distance.
Music has the power to uplift, heal, and unite. And it connects our humanity. I encourage you to set aside a few minutes today – and each day – to listen to a favorite piece of music, or experience something new.
This is an unprecedented time, but the GTCYS family is strong and we will navigate this together. Thanks to all of you, we know that GTCYS will always play its part in our community. We are ever grateful for your continued loyalty and support which is more important than ever.
May you and your family stay in good health. We look forward to gathering again!
Megen Balda
Executive Director