In an effort to develop repertoire for younger symphonic orchestras and expose students to a greater diversity of composers, GTCYS launched an exciting new Call for Scores Competition this year. The winner receives a $1,500 cash prize and a premiere of the winning piece at a GTCYS concert. Geared for GTCYS’ Sinfonia level and open to all composers, a panel consisting of Twin Cities composers and GTCYS’ artistic staff reviewed nearly 60 scores submitted by composers from around the world this winter. Submissions were reviewed based on musical merit, pedagogical strength, and suitability for Sinfonia.
We are excited to announce Gina Williams as this year’s winner! Her piece Reverance will be premiered by Sinfonia East and Sinfonia West at GTCYS’ two Spring Festival concerts at Orchestra Hall on May 5 with Ms. Williams in attendance.