350 GTCYS Students Perform “Jupiter” Virtually
Performing GTCYS’ season finale, “Jupiter”, is an annual hallmark that spans nearly 20 years. Bringing the entire GTCYS student body together in a mass performance is a moving demonstration of unity, community, and beauty. Typically performed at Orchestra Hall, students fill the stage, line the aisles, and stand antiphonally in the balconies enveloping the audience for a surround-sound experience. It is an unforgettable, life-changing experience for musicians and audience members alike. Even though in-person performances aren’t possible this spring, we could not overlook this annual tradition and opportunity for students to come together and share their talents in a special way. We are thrilled to share GTCYS’ first-ever mass virtual performance in celebration of our wonderful students and the culmination of the 2019-20 season.
350 GTCYS’ musicians – almost half our student body across the nine orchestras – chose to participate and are included in this mass virtual orchestra. Special thanks to our conductors for supporting students during the process and to GTCYS’ staff for tackling the immense process of producing the video. We hope these talented young musicians bring you joy and help you find hope in the future. They are a daily inspiration to us, and we look forward to resurrecting this tradition at Orchestra Hall with everyone next year.
As we reflect on and celebrate the 2019-20 season, we invite you to enjoy our spring program book, shared in digital format this year. In it, our students, music educators, donors, advertisers, volunteers, and staff are recognized for their contributions. Of special note are our 79 graduating seniors profiled in detail on pages 42 to 79.
We want to be here for young musicians like all those featured in this virtual performance. What GTCYS provides – access, excellence, community, beauty through music – is more important than ever, and the impact is lifelong. With the help of our community of donors, GTCYS can share music with all students – now and in the future. Every gift will be matched 1:1 up to $15,000, thanks to GTCYS’ Board of Directors.
Give the gift of music today and double your impact! Thank you!
Though this season ended on a different note than any could have imagined, we are grateful for the community’s continued commitment and belief in GTCYS’ mission. You inspire us to forge ahead to make sure that GTCYS will continue to be a place where young musicians can thrive.