

Increasing access to our programs is a top priority.

At GTCYS, we are committed to making our programs accessible to all interested students, regardless of ability to pay. We offer need-based scholarships, using a confidential application process.

ScholarshipsScholarship awards are based on demonstrated financial need. The amount of the award is based on a sliding scale, which takes into account household income, number of children living at home, and extraordinary circumstances. Every GTCYS family pays a portion of tuition, meaning that no award will cover 100% of tuition and fees. We offer installment plans for the balance due. Families with multiple children enrolled must complete separate applications for each child.

To complete our Scholarship Application, you’ll need the following items:

  • Copy of your last year’s Federal income tax return (form 1040). In the case of divorced parents with joint custody, both parents’ incomes must be reported, and copies of both tax returns submitted.
  • If applicable: Written verification from your school district of your Free or Reduced Price School Meals program status.
  • If applicable: Documentation that verifies unemployment
  • Statement of Financial Need: A brief letter describing your circumstances and need for a scholarship.
  • Complete your scholarship application today!

From the parent of a GTCYS scholarship recipient:

“My son had been a member of GTCYS for several years and was working his way up through the various orchestras, improving his musical ability in a dramatic fashion with each passing year. After a long career with my company, I received a pink slip from my job. At the time, I approached GTCYS for possible assistance so my son could continue. My situation was handled with great dignity and trust. Within weeks, I was notified that GTCYS would give my son a scholarship for all but a small portion of tuition for the entire upcoming year. My son went on through GTCYS due to your help, and he graduated from Symphony. He went on to college and pursued music with a full scholarship. This never would have happened, had GTCYS not extended a helping hand in time of extreme need, with few questions asked. I have never forgotten that generosity.”

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