2024-25 Musician Handbook: Administrative and Artistic Staff
GTCYS Office
10 River Park Plaza, Suite 730, St. Paul, MN 55107
Tel 651.602.6800 | Fax 651.292.3281 | Email mail@gtcys.org
GTCYS Administrative Team
Megen Balda, Executive Director
651.602.6802 megen@gtcys.org
Miranda Bryan, Program Director
651.602.6807 miranda@gtcys.org
Mackenzie Catton, Development Director
651.602.6808 mackenzie@gtcys.org
Ben Van Wienen, Music Librarian & Artistic Coordinator
651.602.6804 ben@gtcys.org
Gabbie Holtzman, Student Membership & Volunteer Coordinator
651.602.6803 gabbie@gtcys.org
Jacob West, Development & Operations Associate
651.504.6908 jacob@gtcys.org
Jessica Mendez Robles, Program Associate
651.504.6912 jessica@gtcys.org
CJ Younger, Communications Manager
651.602.6816 cj@gtcys.org
Teo Crespo-Carrión, Harmony Manager
651.602.6809 teo@gtcys.org
GTCYS Artistic Team
Each of GTCYS’ ten conductors is a member of the Artistic Team and plays an integral role in artistic planning, auditioning, placement, and recruiting. Conductors are responsible for conducting rehearsals and performances of the orchestra and selecting repertoire.
Mark Russell Smith, Artistic Director & Symphony conductor
Mary Sorlie, Philharmonia East & West conductor & Harmony Director
Brian Larson, Sinfonia East conductor
Laura Hebert, Sinfonia West conductor
Tamara Gonzalez, Concertino East conductor
Dan Mollick, Concertino West conductor & Community Engagement Liaison
Diane Hallberg, Camerata Con Brio conductor
Zane Kaiser, Camerata Vivace conductor
Jack Reynertson, Concert Orchestra conductor
Ben Firer, Philharmonic conductor
Rehearsal Assistants
Rehearsal Assistants (RAs) are the primary point of contact between students, parents, and the staff at GTCYS events. The RA functions as the personnel manager and assistant for each orchestra, undertaking administrative tasks so that the conductor may focus on the orchestra. RAs set up the chairs for the orchestra, take attendance and monitor absences, distribute and collect music, help members with musical needs, and assist the conductor during rehearsals. GTCYS does not provide contact information for our Rehearsal Assistants. Report absences through your orchestra’s Absence Form.
How do I contact my conductor or RA?
Conductors and RAs do not have offices or voicemails at GTCYS. If you need to relay info to an RA, do so in person at rehearsal. You may also speak with your conductor at rehearsal or email. If you have a question for your RA between rehearsals, you may relay it through the Student Membership & Volunteer Coordinator (Gabbie Holtzman) or Operations Manager.
How do I contact the office staff?
GTCYS’ office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm. If you have questions or concerns, contact us at 651.602.6800 or info@gtcys.org. The staff is happy to talk to you.
If you have questions or ideas about any of the following topics, contact:
Attendance: Rehearsal Assistant (RA) or Program Associate
Schedule or events: RA or Operations Manager
Placement/seating within the orchestra: Conductor
Tuition payments: Program Associate
Tuition assistance: Program Director
Student records: Program Associate
Lost music: RA or Librarian
Student and parent concerns: Program Director or Executive Director
Auditions: Program Associate
Fundraising ideas/events: Development Director or Executive Director
Sponsorships or grants: Executive Director
Advertising: Communications and Marketing Manager
Touring: Program Director or Executive Director
Student leadership opportunities: Program Director
Volunteering: Program Associate
Board membership: Executive Director
Alumni: Executive Director
Student & alumni news: Communications Manager
Engage with GTCYS on Social Media!
Stay in touch and follow along for photos, stories, videos, and other content throughout the season.