
2024-25 Musician Handbook: Parent Involvement


GTCYS greatly appreciates volunteers, both GTCYS parents and members of the broader community, who provide valuable assistance at concerts, retreats, special events, with day-to-day tasks, special activities, and fundraising. Please refer to the GTCYS Volunteer Handbook for more information on how to volunteer with GTCYS. We appreciate all our volunteers and will send information on volunteer opportunities as these opportunities arise. It is a meaningful way to be involved, meet other GTCYS families, and make a difference for students. Parents and family members may sign up for volunteer opportunities online or contact GTCYS’ Student Membership & Volunteer Coordinator Gabbie Holtzman at gabbie@gtcys.org for more information.

Parent Social Crew

Each orchestra has a designated committee of 2-3 parent/guardian volunteers who work with the staff and recruits other parents and family members to coordinate orchestra social activities. These activities include treat nights, orchestra social nights, parent/family social gatherings, year-end parties, and other orchestra activities. These committees are also valuable sources of information should you have any questions. Parent Social Crew members will be determined during the late summer/early fall. If you are interested in serving on a GTCYS Parent Social Crew, please contact GTCYS’ Student Membership & Volunteer Coordinator Gabbie Holtzman at gabbie@gtcys.org.

Family Etiquette at GTCYS Events

Parents and family members are welcome to observe regular rehearsals if space allows. To create a productive rehearsal environment, parents should not interact with their child or the conductor while the rehearsal is underway. Retreats and dress rehearsals are closed to parents and the public with the exception of volunteers who have signed up to help in advance.                      

Staying Informed

We rely on parents to help ensure that students fulfill their GTCYS commitment, and it is critical for parents to stay informed. Because GTCYS only uses electronic forms of communication, parents must subscribe to their child’s online GTCYS calendar, regularly check and read emails, and visit the website. Please set your spam filter to allow emails from GTCYS’ staff and info accounts, as well as Mailchimp. Look for weekly emails from your conductor in addition to GTCYS’ monthly News Notes for important updates. After rehearsal each week, parents should also ask students for any information that was shared. If you are not receiving regular communications from GTCYS, please contact Gabbie Holtzman at gabbie@gtcys.org to ensure that we have the correct contact information on file.

Spread the Word About GTCYS!

Families are our best representatives! Your words of support to friends, family, and colleagues help get the word out about GTCYS. You can spread the word by inviting friends or families to attend concerts, inviting friends and families to join the GTCYS mailing list, encouraging other families with musical children to consider joining GTCYS, sharing our news on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and advocating the value of music education to school officials.

Parent/Guardian Gatherings

GTCYS strives to maintain open and ongoing communication with parents and guardians. Once or twice during the year, parents and guardians are invited to gather with members of GTCYS’ staff and/or Board of Directors to socialize, learn more about what’s going on at GTCYS, and ask questions. Details will be shared separately. 

Your Support Matters

As a non-profit organization, GTCYS relies on charitable contributions to create meaningful experiences for young musicians and expand access for every interested student. Your support has an incredible impact. Because your family’s tuition only covers about half of GTCYS’ actual cost per student, your generosity not only creates opportunities for your student to excel through music, but also their fellow students. Your contributions help provide more than $250,000 in need-based scholarships, so any student can participate regardless of financial situation. Make a charitable gift here so every student can learn lifelong lessons and meet their potential, musically and personally. Thank you!

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