2024 GTCYS Tour Consent for Independent Travel "*" indicates required fields Full name of student:* First Last Will this student be 18 years old or older on June 25, 2024?* Yes, this student will be 18 years old or older on June 25, 2024 No, this student will be younger than 18 years old on June 25, 2024 THIS CONSENT, AUTHORIZATION, AND RELEASE (the “Consent”) is provided to the Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (“GTCYS”) in connection with its 2024 Symphony Tour of Italy from June 15 – 25, 2024 (the “Tour”). I, the parent and/or legal guardian of the student above, give my consent to release my son/daughter from GTCYS’ care as of 9:00am on June 25, 2024 (or earlier if pre-determined and noted below). I understand that my son/daughter will part from the group at that time to travel independently from the group and will do so at their own risk. INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENTI, the parent and/or guardian, agree that at my sole cost and expense, I will indemnify, protect and hold GTCYS harmless against and from any and all damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, claims, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney fees and court costs) of any kind or any nature whatsoever which may at any time be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted or awarded against GTCYS arising in whole or in part out of my child’s independent travel at the end of the Tour. This release is without reservation of any kind except for liabilities arising out of any intentional wrongful acts on the part of GTCYS, its directors and employees. This Consent shall be binding upon the parent(s) or guardian(s) whose signature(s) appears below and their respective assigns, and inures to the benefit of GTCYS, and its successors and assigns. This Consent shall in all respects be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature of Parent/Guardian Name (type name)*Today's date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Cell phone number of above named parent/guardian** My typed name constitutes my legal signature Is this a two-parent household?* Yes No Signature of Parent/Guardian 2 Name (type name)*Today's date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Cell phone number of above named parent/guardian** My typed name constitutes my legal signature Signature of Student (if over 18 on June 25, 2024)*Today's date* MM slash DD slash YYYY * My typed name constitutes my legal signature Select the June 25 plan for this student:* An adult will meet this student at the end of the tour. This student is at least 18 years old and will travel independently at the end of GTCYS’ tour. Name of the authorized adult meeting this student on June 25* First Last Authorized adult pickup plan*Select the pickup plan below. If meeting at an earlier time, fill in the pickup time in the "other" field. The authorized adult named above agrees to meet my child in the lobby of the Hotel Catalonia Atenas, Av. Meridiana, 151, 08026 Barcelona, Spain at 9:00am on June 25, 2024. Other Relationship of this adult to the student*(i.e. aunt/uncle/family friend)Phone number of adult meeting this student on June 25*Select the departure plan for students age 18 and over traveling independently at the conclusion of the tour.* My student will ride GTCYS’ 3:45am group bus from the Hotel Catalonia Atenas to the airport on June 25, 2024. My student will determine their own transportation details after being released from GTCYS’ care and checking out of the Hotel Catalonia Atenas by 9:00am on June 25. Specify this student's airline, flight number, and departure time:*