Summer Sinfonietta: Developing strings, winds, brass & percussion
Co-Conductors: Tamara Gonzalez, Dan Mollick, Diane Hallberg
Meets: 9:00am – 12:00pm, July 22-26 with 12:30pm concert on July 26
Cost: $25 registration fee + $350 tuition; tuition assistance available
Summer Sinfonietta is a full orchestra camp open to strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. This camp is best for string players ages 12-15 with at least two years’ playing experience, and best for woodwinds, brass, and percussion students ages 13-16 with at least two years’ playing experience. Playing sample video required (see below for details).
String Playing Level
- This camp is best for string players age 12 – 15 with at least two years’ playing experience.
- Students should be comfortable playing with a range of articulations in music including up to 3 sharps and 2 flats concert pitch.
- Students should be able to play in the full range of their instrument in first position and have some experience in other positions.
Winds, Brass, and Percussion Playing Level
- This camp is best for woodwinds, brass, and percussion students age 13 – 16 with at least two years’ playing experience.
- Students should be comfortable playing with a range of articulations in music including up to 3 sharps and 2 flats concert pitch.
Summer Sinfonietta Playing Sample
If you are auditioning for the 2024-25 GTCYS season, your audition video will be used as your playing sample. If not, please prepare a solo using the parameters below:
Solo: Prepare one piece of music that demonstrates your best abilities. Selections can include solos, studies, school music, or other pieces. Your solo selection should not be more than 2 minutes in length. If your solo is longer than 2 minutes, please make appropriate cuts within the music.