Music Teacher Survey Fall 2022 Music Teachers: Share your input so we can better understand how to support you and your students! Are you experiencing any positive improvements in your studio/classroom this fall? If so, please check all that apply. Higher enrollment Increase in student commitment & preparation Student mental health improvements Increased resources for instruments/music/transportation/etc. Increased parent/guardian support for music education None of the above If you're experiencing a positive not listed above, please describe:Are you experiencing any challenges in your teaching this fall? If so, please check all that apply. Lower Enrollment Drop in student commitment & preparation Student mental health struggles Lack of resources for instruments/music/transportation/etc. Less parent/guardian support for music education None of the above If you're experiencing a challenge not listed above, please describe:How would you describe the status of your studio/ensembles pre-pandemic (fall 2019) vs now (fall 2022)?What is one way that GTCYS could support your teaching and/or your students?What are aspects of GTCYS you'd like to know more about? Please check all that apply. Conductors Orchestras Attendance policy/commitment Concerts Diversity & Equity Auditions Tuition Assistance Touring Other aspects of GTCYSIf you'd like to learn about an aspect of GTCYS not listed above, please enter here:Music Teacher Advisory CouncilWe are considering revamping our GTCYS Teacher Advisory Council. How do you think a group of teachers from across the region (private instructors and/or school music educators) could be a resource for each other?